Can Nanotechnology Be The Fountain Of Youth?

Could it be possible for people to live for thousands of years using technology in the future?

apple watch read your healthYou know, Apple? With the release of their new watch created the foundation for what is called wearable’s. They are probably the one company that will set the trend for what will later be used for human medical treatment for human medical treatments.

The new Apple watch can actually monitor the pulse of your body it can also measure your movements how many steps you take and much more…creating very advanced data that will be reported back to you and will provide you with continuous data on all your activities during the day.

The wearable’s that we have today, most likely will be completely obsolete in a few years and we will look back at them and laugh in the same way as we today in look back in time at cell phones. Only a few years ago a cell phone should weigh 1,5 kilos and you would need to carry it around in a special bag… It would have an antenna that could be as tall as 25-30 centimetres.

In a few years the wearable’s that we see today will change dramatically but no matter how successful or unsuccessful the new Apple watch would be it is the start of a new revolution that will change the way we live and the quality of life.

We will be able to live longer, they say for thousands of years.

Google cures death nanotechHuman beings have been looking for the Fountain of Youth. Our imagination as seen that you could actually live forever and today’s scientists agree that human beings in the future will be able to live for thousands of years. Even though scientists yet are to find the way to the fountain of youth they have come a long way to find out what is needed to make it happen.  The theories and dramatically changes in science has actually set a time for when you will be able to live longer… It is all about curing the cells in your body at a molecular level.

They have come to the conclusion that death is not medical phenomena it is actually a technical challenge and phenomena that can be sold by using the latest technologies that we know of and nanotech. It is not without reason that some of the largest companies in the world, including Google, are looking at ways to cure death. Google founded the program Calico that has gone out on a limb stating in Times Magazine that they are in fact looking to cure the way we age and make us live longer.

How to conquer death? Google’s top manager Larry Page is confident that Google has had a break though and has admitted that they are working close with scientists, universities and independent organizations and opened a new institute in San Fransisco that is looking into, among other things, cancer research.

All the giants involved is naturally keeping their cards close to their chest but it is known that Google has filed for patents for a bracelet wearable that will be a tech gadget that can communicate to Nanobots in your body. They will basically inject you with small robots that is as small as human cells that will fly around in your body looking for cancer cells at the early stage and report back to you. When they find a cancer cell they will use external powers like ultraviolet lights, sound in form of radio frequencies and energy to kill the cancer cell!

fountain of youth can be found with nanotechnologyThe “prolong your life business” is now becoming a massive industry and not without reason , it’s now one of the trending businesses in Silicon Valley.

Palo Alto Longevity Price Competition has been launched  to inspire people to solve aging… if you manage to win the competition you will win $1,000,000. Just make sure that you submit your application before the 9th of September 2018 and you can win the prize and the honur that comes with it.

The researchers believe that aging is a combination of failure in stem cell number and stem cell function. It’s really not that complicated, you just have to replace the stem cell number and replace stem cell function and when you prolong life…

So what does it mean really to prolong life and what is needed to make this happen?

Well the first step to get rid of some of the illnesses that exist in the world today, and to do that, we need to go down on cellular level. We have to have a technology to renew and change to cell structure in our body. One of the most important cells to control is the skin cells that need to be renewed continuously to make us look young and stay young.

The researchers also will combine this with technologies outside your body example 3D printed organs like a nose or ear that can be printed with a 3D printer and replace  any organs that you will need.

Aubrey de Grey P.H.D in his book Ending Aging is covering his opinion about what illnesses you must treat to live forever. He is a world famous speaker that you may have seen on Ted Talks (if you have not, search YouTube and check it out, it is very interesting).

They believe that already in year 2045 the first human beings that live for 500 years or more. But you will not actually live forever you will become 5,775 years they claim!

Why “only” 5,575 years? Because even nanotechnology on a molecular level can not prevent you for having a freak accident… the statistics shows you will die before you are 6,000 years on average due to accidents.

Let’s ask the question: What about the ethical side of living forever? is not the fear of death one of the reasons why we get up in the morning and go out there and make a living? As we build a future for our family?

Medical immortality may also raise the obvious question where everybody will live?

How can we have space for everyone on Earth?

Other researchers is working to solve this problem and some claim we will make a new environment on the planet Mars. It is said that the first colony on planet Mars will already be existing in 2030.

 Makes you think eh? The nano future is coming…